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A Fight With No Victor

Kilima Village
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The Palian Republic aims to forge positive relationships with other nations, but few events in recent memory rival the tragedy of the Umbraan War.

The underground civilization of Umbraa is globally renowned for its Flowstones, so the Republic sought to lease a number of mines. However, the Umbraan Queen refused the Republic's diplomatic gesture. Not to be deterred, the Palian Republic sent a high-ranking prince to make amends. Then he disappeared without a trace.
War broke out. The Palian Republic sent troops into the depths of Umbraa, but their overwhelming numbers were matched by the Umbraans' tunneled landscape and explosive weaponry.

The military was locked in a stalemate, so a Republic general took it upon himself to end the fight by sending assassins after the Umbraan queen. No one knows exactly what happened during the mission. The Queen survived while the young, crown princess did not.
With their heir gone, the Umbraan government collapsed into disarray. Appalled by their role in the death of a child, the Palian Republic chose to halt its advance and restore the Umbraan queen.

The history of the Umbraan War is replete with tragedy but it serves as an important reminder that keeps both kingdoms at peace to this day.
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