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Paliapedia Tooltip Syndication

You can use this to implement Paliapedia tooltips for links on your website. Example: Recipe: Akwinduu Chapaa

Usage Instructions

  • Add the tooltip script in the <head></head> section of your website.
    <script async src="https://paliapedia.com/embed.js"></script>
  • Links to Paliapedia on your site and it will automatically have a popup.
    <a href="https://paliapedia.com/recipe/recipe-dinner-salisburychapaa" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Recipe: Akwinduu Chapaa</a>

    You can also use the data-custom-text attribute to add additional text under the description.

Optional Config

Place the config before the tooltip script.

    window.paliapediaConfig = {
        scale: 0.8,
        delay: 100

scale - default 0.7 - Used to change the size/scale of the tooltip.

delay - default 150 - Time in milliseconds to wait on hover before attempting to show a tooltip. A higher than zero value is recommended to prevent wasting people's resources when they just move the mouse around.

Terms of Usage

There's no guarantees offered in terms of the accuracy/availability for tooltip syndication.

You are granted a license to use the content, as is, solely through the original tooltip syndication script/instructions. This does not grant you a license to do whatever you want :)