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Dialogue with Caleri

Required for Quest
You: I caught these fish from inside of some clouds.
Caleri: Incredible! These are Ancient Cloudminnows!
Caleri: Today's Mudminnows were rumored to have descended from them.
Caleri: I thought they were just legend, and yet... here we are.
Caleri: A formerly extinct species, in the flesh.
Caleri: We need to get writing! Nobody will believe this...
You: You kind of sound like Elouisa right now.
Caleri: Nonsense. I have simply seen evidence and adapted my viewpoint.
Caleri: I did not immediately start making up rumors that these fish can vomit up a paradoxical, time-traveling worm.
Caleri: If she can find evidence of the Silverwings having magical abilities, I will adapt my viewpoint again.
Caleri: Although I assume she will not...
Caleri: I suppose I will find out in a soon. I'll return to the nest with these fish and meet you there.
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