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Dialogue with Caleri

WIP: Quest.EWS.AirTemple.CompleteSQ.SWInvestigation.Doc.Eggs: 1
Quest InProgress:
WIP: Location.EWS.AirTemple: 1
You: I found a note about Silverwing eggs...
Caleri: Do tell - are what we found even Silverwing eggs?
You: They come in different colors.
Caleri: That's... certainly unusual.
Caleri: I wonder what could be influencing that? Some sort of Flow?
You: They contain even smaller eggs inside.
Caleri: Like Grimalkin nesting dolls? That... can't be true. Can it?
You: They are slightly bigger than a Peki egg.
Caleri: I noticed, but that isn't too unusual.
Caleri: Palhawk eggs are the size of a roundball ball.
Caleri: Wait... do you say "roundball ball" or just "roundball"?
Caleri: I'm... not much of a sports person.
You: Silverwing eggs can crack easily.
Caleri: Maybe just... don't tell Elouisa why you know that.
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