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Dialogue with Caleri

WIP: Quest.EWS.AirTemple.CompleteSQ.SWInvestigation.Doc.Squawk: 1
Quest InProgress:
WIP: Location.EWS.AirTemple: 1
You: I found a note about Silverwing sounds...
Caleri: Excellent. How average are they?
You: Loud enough to wake the dead.
Caleri: You sure about that? I think you might have mistranslated...
Caleri: Humans wouldn't have gone extinct if that was true, would they?
You: Loud enough to wake the neighbors.
Caleri: Annoying, but something your average Peki can do.
Caleri: It seems I might be right, after all.
You: Loud enough to be heard across a valley.
Caleri: So not quite your average bird, but I'm not sure that constitues magic...
Caleri: We'll have to continue our search.
You: Actually quite pleasant.
Caleri: Perfectly average. I'd love to hear them sometime... if they even exist.
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