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Dialogue with Caleri

WIP: Quest.EWS.AirTemple.CompleteSQ.SWInvestigation.Doc.Strength: 1
Quest InProgress:
WIP: Location.EWS.AirTemple: 1
You: I found a note about Silverwing strength...
Caleri: Let me guess - that of a normal bird?
You: They can create tidal waves.
Caleri: Tidal waves? Wouldn't they have destroyed Human society?
Caleri: No no no... are you sure you read that right?
You: They can lift less than a Sernuk.
Caleri: So they must be prey birds. Fascinating, but normal behavior for that type of avian.
You: They're actually very delicate.
Caleri: Just as I suspected. The evidence was never going to point to anything else.
You: They can lift an entire wagon!
Caleri: Hmmm... perhaps that is above average, after all.
Caleri: Still, not as exaggerated as Elouisa descibed.
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