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Dialogue with Elouisa

WIP: Quest.EWS.AirTemple.CompleteSQ.SWInvestigation.Doc.Feathers: 1
Quest InProgress:
WIP: Location.EWS.AirTemple: 1
You: I found a note about Silverwing feathers...
Elouisa: Oh! Do share what it said...
You: They can heal the sick.
Elouisa: They can?! We need to publish these findings immediately!
Elouisa: There are so many that could benefit from this...
You: They can summon ghosts.
Elouisa: Fascinating... perhaps we can use them to summon other cryptids, too.
You: The most they can do is tickle people.
Elouisa: In a supernatural way, right?
Elouisa: ... I suppose not.
You: They contain special types of Flow.
Elouisa: So magical... just not quite as magical as I thought.
Elouisa: Great find. Even if it isn't as amazing as I hoped...
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