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Dialogue with Elouisa

WIP: Quest.EWS.AirTemple.CompleteSQ.SWInvestigation.Doc.Size: 1
Quest InProgress:
WIP: Location.EWS.AirTemple: 1
You: I found a note about Silverwing sizes...
Elouisa: Really? What did it say?
You: Silverwings are all normal sized birds.
Elouisa: Oh... that's... disappointing. I'm sure we'll find something magical about them soon.
You: Silverwings grow to huge sizes over time.
Elouisa: Hmmm... I guess I was exaggerating a little when I said they all were born as giants.
Elouisa: Still, it's good to know there's something more than average about them!
You: Silverwings can change their size at will.
Elouisa: Perhaps this is why nobody has ever seen one. They must shrink themselves down!
Elouisa: Still... I must be right about their magical properties!
You: Silverwings have skyscraper-sized beaks.
Elouisa: Terrifying! And fascinating!
Elouisa: I wonder how they stand if their beaks are larger than their bodies. It must be magic!
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