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Dialogue with Reth

You: This has to be yours.
Reth: Batch no. 209! I knew I should have written down where I buried that one.
Reth: Wait...
Reth: Do you smell that, {playername}?
You: Air PersonalityAll I smell is soup.
Reth: Sorry, that's me. But you DON'T smell rotten eggs, right?
Reth: Which recipe did I use for this one? One sec, lemme check my notes...
Reth: Clay and rice cover, little bit of lye... buried near the geyser.
Reth: That's it! HA, take that, Egg Palace! Your secrets are revealed!
Reth: Thanks for finding this, {playername}. Give me a bit to figure out the details and I'll give you that sample I promised.
You: Earth PersonalityNo.
Reth: That's what I'm saying! It's not rotten!
Reth: Which recipe did I use for this one? One sec, lemme check my notes...
Reth: Clay and rice cover, little bit of lye... buried near the geyser.
Reth: That's it! HA, take that, Egg Palace! Your secrets are revealed!
Reth: Thanks for finding this, {playername}. Give me a bit to figure out the details and I'll give you that sample I promised.
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