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Dialogue with Zeki

Required for Quest
You: I think I found all the treasure...
Zeki: I think I found all the treasure...
Zeki: So ya did, kid. The smell of gold is finally outta' the wind.
Zeki: I suppose I can share some of this with you.
Zeki: How about....
Zeki: This egg?
Zeki: It really is something special. Ya never know when you might need a good egg in a trying time.
Zeki: In fact, it's probably the best thing here. So between that and the Zeki coins, let's just call it even.
Zeki: Thanks again, kid!
You: Is that museum... real?
Zeki: Alright you got me.
Zeki: Here's some Zeki coins to forget this ever happened.
Zeki: And uh... have the gold egg. Not that I want that thing anyway...
You: They'll certainly appreciate it!
Zeki: I bet! And they actually just sent me a finders fee for your discretion!
Zeki: They'd hate for you to tell someone about this and spoil their latest exhibit.
Zeki: And uh... have the gold egg. They said they didn't want it.
Quest.EWS.AirTemple.CompleteSQ.TreasureHunt.Coins: 1
Quest.EWS.AirTemple.CompleteSQ.TreasureHunt.Coins: 1
Quest.EWS.AirTemple.CompleteSQ.TreasureHunt.Coins: 0
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