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Dialogue with Hassian

Required for Quest
Visit WIP: da-psvv-firetemple-muralpuzzle
Quest InProgress:
WIP: Location.EWS.FireTemple.2-5: 1
You: What's wrong with the door?
Hassian: It won't open. There must be another puzzle.
Hassian: There are more braziers here... but I do not see any hints about the order to shoot them in.
You: Fire PersonalityMaybe something with the Kitsuu?!
Hassian: Hmmmm... yes. The murals all featured a Kitsuu.
Hassian: They remind me of a story my mother used to tell.
You: Water PersonalityMaybe something with the murals?
Hassian: Murals? There do seem to be carvings that weren't around before.
Hassian: That must be what my mother stopped to look at...
You: Earth PersonalityI'll figure it out myself...
Hassian: Good.
Hassian: We can talk when it's done.
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