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Un mystère dans la baie du Bahari

Kenyatta est convaincue qu’il se passe quelque chose. Il est temps de mener l’enquête.

Villager Quest

Table of Contents:



Parle à Kenyatta.
WIP: Set Quest.Kenyatta.CanFindClues to 1
Kenyatta pense que le Bourreau de Bahari s’est caché dans la baie du Bahari. Peux-tu l’aider à découvrir de qui il s’agit ?
Cherche des indices dans la baie du Bahari.
Bahari Bay
Map is loading...
Maps are WIP, some might be wrong
Complete all of the following:
Bahari Bay
Map is loading...
Maps are WIP, some might be wrong
Bahari Bay
Map is loading...
Maps are WIP, some might be wrong
Bahari Bay
Map is loading...
Maps are WIP, some might be wrong
Bahari Bay
Map is loading...
Maps are WIP, some might be wrong
Kilima Village
Map is loading...
Maps are WIP, some might be wrong
Bahari Bay
Map is loading...
Maps are WIP, some might be wrong
Turn In:
30 Romance Points with
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