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Relationship difficulty: Medium

Table of Contents:

Weekly Wants:

Check out our new Weekly Wants Tracker.

Gift Preferences:

Villagers have distinct gift preference levels, "Love, Like, Neutral, and Hate", that determine the change in friendship points. Gifts also carry an "Always Accepts" status, which indicates if a gift is always acceptable or if it requires being on the "Weekly Wants" list, which updates every seven days. Players are limited to giving one gift per villager daily, and some gifts (in theory) requires achieving a specific relationship level with a villager.

Stance Item Type Points Always Accepts This Week Req. Level
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Love Friendship 40 No Yes 3
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Love Friendship 40 No Yes 4
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Like Friendship 15 No Yes 1
Like Friendship 15 No Yes 2
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -2 Yes Yes -

Relationship Levels:

Level Type Points Name Description
1 Friendship 1 好奇心旺盛な関係筋 鉱夫の娘であるナジュマは、他人と一緒にいるよりも、自分の発明品に取り組む方が好きなようだ。
2 Friendship 80 シャイな知人 ナジュマは心を開き始めている。でも、本物の信頼を得るのは難しいかもしれない。
3 Friendship 300 アツい親友 ナジュマは父親との関係を改善するために、キミの助けを必要としている。
4 Friendship 620 威勢のいい友人 ナジュマは心を開くほどキミを信頼している。キミは引き続き、信頼を得ることができるだろうか。


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