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Relationship difficulty: Hard
Can have romantic relationship
Friendship level for romance: 3

Table of Contents:

Weekly Wants:

Check out our new Weekly Wants Tracker.

Gift Preferences:

Villagers have distinct gift preference levels, "Love, Like, Neutral, and Hate", that determine the change in friendship points. Gifts also carry an "Always Accepts" status, which indicates if a gift is always acceptable or if it requires being on the "Weekly Wants" list, which updates every seven days. Players are limited to giving one gift per villager daily, and some gifts (in theory) requires achieving a specific relationship level with a villager.

Stance Item Type Points Always Accepts This Week Req. Level
Love Romance 10 Yes Yes 3
Love Romance 10 Yes Yes -
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Love Friendship 40 No Yes 3
Love Friendship 40 No Yes 4
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Like Friendship 20 No Yes 2
Like Friendship 20 No Yes 1
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -

Relationship Levels:

Level Type Points Name Description
1 Friendship 1 不可小觑的矿工 奥达里似乎是那种永远愿意伸出援手的邻居。
2 Friendship 120 公事公办 奥达里不像是那种会求人帮助的人,但从你了解到的情况来看,他的采矿工作需要一点帮助。
3 Friendship 360 坦诚信任 奥达里相信你能帮他做出艰难的决定。
4 Friendship 680 忠贞不渝 你和奥达里成了朋友……这件事可不容易。
1 Romance 1 新东西 奥达里看上去在你身边手足无措。这会成为新的开始吗?
2 Romance 130 把他争取过来 奥达里开始向你敞开心扉,但是他仍然有点害羞。
3 Romance 320 改正 你与奥达里的关系可以进入下一级了……但是似乎他想慢点,以防出错。
4 Romance 660 胸针换胸针 你和奥达里深深地信任着彼此,但是那并不意味着他会停止努力。


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