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Relationship difficulty: Medium
Can have romantic relationship
Friendship level for romance: 3

Table of Contents:

Weekly Wants:

Check out our new Weekly Wants Tracker.
Stance Item

Gift Preferences:

Villagers have distinct gift preference levels, "Love, Like, Neutral, and Hate", that determine the change in friendship points. Gifts also carry an "Always Accepts" status, which indicates if a gift is always acceptable or if it requires being on the "Weekly Wants" list, which updates every seven days. Players are limited to giving one gift per villager daily, and some gifts (in theory) requires achieving a specific relationship level with a villager.

Stance Item Type Points Always Accepts This Week Req. Level
Love Romance 10 Yes Yes -
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Love Friendship 40 No Yes 3
Love Friendship 40 No Yes 4
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Like Romance 5 Yes Yes -
Like Friendship 20 No Yes 2
Like Friendship 20 Yes Yes -
Like Friendship 20 No Yes 1
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -

Relationship Levels:

Level Type Points Name Description
1 Friendship 1 有點害羞 吉娜似乎對於認識你這件事感到很緊張。
2 Friendship 70 奇特的同事 協助吉娜處理她的論文,這能夠幫助你進一步了解自己的身世。
3 Friendship 200 學者盟友 你和吉娜幫助彼此更加了解人性,並在這過程中成為朋友。
4 Friendship 520 讀書夥伴 你跟吉娜都對學術研究有興趣,因此發展出了友誼。
5 Friendship 840 考古顧問 你和吉娜是學術夥伴,準備好一起發現古代人類的秘密吧。
1 Romance 1 可用 吉娜似乎對所有村民都沒有情愫,難不成她是對你有興趣?
2 Romance 130 冷情熱戀 這其中有著感情,但目前還無法確定是不是什麼正經事。
3 Romance 320 心心相印 吉娜準備好公開你們的關係了。
4 Romance 660 再次釘選 是時候讓吉娜見證你回報她的心意。


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