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Relationship difficulty: Easy
Can have romantic relationship
Friendship level for romance: 3

Table of Contents:

Weekly Wants:

Check out our new Weekly Wants Tracker.
Stance Item

Gift Preferences:

Villagers have distinct gift preference levels, "Love, Like, Neutral, and Hate", that determine the change in friendship points. Gifts also carry an "Always Accepts" status, which indicates if a gift is always acceptable or if it requires being on the "Weekly Wants" list, which updates every seven days. Players are limited to giving one gift per villager daily, and some gifts (in theory) requires achieving a specific relationship level with a villager.

Stance Item Type Points Always Accepts This Week Req. Level
Love Romance 10 Yes Yes -
Love Friendship 40 No Yes 3
Love Friendship 40 No Yes 4
Love Friendship 40 Yes Yes -
Like Romance 5 Yes Yes -
Like Friendship 20 No Yes 2
Like Friendship 20 No Yes 1
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Neutral Friendship 10 Yes Yes -
Dislike Friendship -1 Yes Yes -
Hate Friendship -3 Yes Yes -

Relationship Levels:

Level Type Points Name Description
1 Friendship 1 開朗的店長 蒂希似乎很喜歡她負責製作和販賣高級家具的這份工作。
2 Friendship 70 隔壁的藝術家 看樣子蒂希不只會製作家具,同時還是設計大師……而且頭腦聰明!
3 Friendship 200 創意夥伴 蒂希信任你,讓你幫助她處理重新裝潢的事情,這代表她很尊敬你。
4 Friendship 520 親密知己 通常不會展現負面情緒的蒂希這次居然跟你說了內心話,你有辦法幫助她打起精神嗎?
5 Friendship 840 一輩子的朋友 不會有任何事情妨礙你和蒂希的羈絆,即使地下市集也不行。
1 Romance 1 不只是朋友? 蒂希的友善態度是她的本性,還是其中有詐呢?
2 Romance 130 打是情罵是愛 蒂希似乎很享受跟你調情的過程,這是好跡象。
3 Romance 320 浪漫情謎 蒂希的感情藏得很深,但有時候她又冷熱不定。她是不是需要點別的東西?
4 Romance 660 吉力馬最可愛的佳偶 你和蒂希絕對是吉力馬最可愛的一對。每個人都羨慕不已。


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